Energy Healing

At Connected Energies, we are honoured to work with your energy.
 Leanne, our Reiki Master & Crystal Healer, has been taught traditional Japanese Ushi Reiki.
We have created a sacred healing space, where you can relax and just be yourself.

Eva Foam
Reiki Energy Healing

One Hour - $150

 Time to unblock emotional trauma.

Your healing starts with a cleansing of White Sage or Palo Santo and some breathing work.

 During this time, you will be relaxing to beautiful, calming music in a safe environment, where you may even drift off.

Your energy healing will begin at your crown and work through your body down to your feet.

I will then scan your body with my hands hovering and asking for guidance from your energy, to establish if we need to focus on any particular area.

 When your energy healing is complete, I will invite you back into your body and finish with a cleansing and vibration healing from my singing bowl.

Non slip surface
Reiki & Crystal Healing

One Hour - $160

 Unblock and Reset.

 Your healing starts with a cleansing of White Sage or Palo Santo and some visualisation breathing work.

 As you start to relax, I will lay crystals on your chakras starting from the root (just under belly button) and working my way up to your crown.

There will be two that I will place directly on your skin – Throat & 3rd Eye (forehead). If at any time you feel uncomfortable with this, you can let me know and I will remove them.

 I will also place grounding crystals at the base of your feet (Black Obsidian) and around your crown (Clear Quartz) - I do this to allow the white light to enter your body, and for your energy to be grounded.

 Once all the Crystals are in place, I will then begin your Reiki.

If you don’t drift off to sleep, you will feel me add or take away crystals – don’t be concerned if crystals naturally shift during your healing. I will replace them, however, if they do shift, it can mean that their work is done.

 When your energy healing is complete, I will invite you back into your body and finish with a cleansing and vibration healing from my singing bowl.

Crystal Healing

One Hour - $160 

A time for emotional healing.

You will be relaxing to beautiful, calming music in a safe environment.

Your healing will begin with a cleansing of White Sage or Palo Santo and some visualisation breathing work.

Crystals will be placed on the seven chakra points - these will remain in place during your healing.

I will ask you to hover above your body, and take a black and white photograph in your mind. In this process, I will ask you to tell me where the parts of your body are black in colour – this is where you may have pain or holding on to emotional trauma.

During your session, I will be asking you what colour you are visualising in various parts of your body - from here, we will do some visualisation and working with crystals, until this area is a lighter in colour.

When your energy healing is complete, I will invite you back into your body and finish with a cleansing and vibration healing from my singing bowl

Chakra Balancing

45 Minutes - $110  

It’s a balancing act.

Your healing starts with a cleansing of White Sage or Palo Santo and some breathing work.

When our chakras are out of balance, our life can feel out of balance and we can’t understand why. You may be feeling dizzy, foggy in the mind or just not sure and second guessing yourself.

We operate better when all our chakras are aligned - we think clearer, handle emotional situations better and our overall wellbeing is better.

Please be aware, if dizziness continues, I advise you to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Always remember, energy work is not a replacement for modern medicine.

When your energy healing is complete, I will invite you back into your body and finish with a cleansing and vibration healing from my singing bowl.

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